Monday, May 7, 2018

Battle of the Books

On Thursday evening, April 28, 2018, 4th graders from Wheeler and Hamilton, Lincoln, Gordon, and St. Michael's all gathered to participate in the 29th Battle of the Books.  The students have been reading since Winter Break from the 2018 Battle of the Books List.  The list consists of a wide variety of 30 books  and each child must read at least 10.  The night of the Battle the 4th graders answer questions about the books with their teammates which include kids from each of the other schools.  Each school also presents a cheer. As always, Wheeler and Hamilton kids created this fun and dynamic cheer from scratch.   For those of you who have never attended a Battle you would not believe the energy and excitement that fills the auditorium.  This year, one of the questions asked the kids to identify the song which explains why a character named Jeremiah was nicknamed Frog.  The answer prompted to the audience to spontaneously sing out, "Jeremiah was a bullfrog.  Was a good friend of mine..."  What a fun night! (video credit: Jon Green)

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